I went through a phase where I just couldn’t bear to make any half square triangles- marking, sewing, cutting, trimming- no thank you! But then Penelope Handmade’s Ramona quilt came along- and I decided I had to get over my HST slump. This is the second Ramona quilt that I made as I loved making the first one so much! I tweaked the pattern slightly by making 4 at a time HSTs that would let me cut four squares from each fat quarter. That way I could chain piece them and before I knew it, I had a quilt top made in an afternoon! I finished it off with my favourite big wavy quilting and a double layer of batting to make it extra warm and snuggly- just look at that texture :-) The little squares in the photo below were some scraps that I had that I used to make a patch for a jumper.